When you are facing criminal charges, it is essential to keep in mind that the only person you should be talking to is your attorney and that you have no obligation to speak with the police. This is an important legal right and it is a mistake to disregard its protections.
Why it is best to remain silent in the face of criminal allegations
You should not have any conversations with the police unless your attorney is present and your attorney may advise you not to speak to the police. Important legal protection included in the United States Constitution is the protection against self-incrimination found in the 5th Amendment of the constitution.
The Supreme Court later found that accused individuals need to be made aware of their right to not incriminate themselves, which became known as the right to remain silent or Miranda rights.
Your attorney has likely worked with police and criminal charges before and can help you navigate the allegations or charges against you and any questions from police that might come up. Your attorney is on your side and will help you with what can be a frightening and alarming experience once you are involved in the criminal justice system.
It is not uncommon to think that you will be able to talk your way out of things with the police but, in reality, it is usually not that simple. Your best bet is to seek trained guidance to help you prepare a strong criminal defense against the charges you are facing as soon as possible.